Strategy and commitments
Aware of the essential role of our infrastructure in the ecological transition, we have developed strategies aligned with decarbonisation objectives, with the aim of generating positive impacts on the planet, people and the economic system.
The role of the gas network
We operate in a context marked by profound evolutions: in order to fight climate change and achieve climate neutrality by 2050 (Net Zero), as set by the European Union’s plans, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and diversify energy sources.
Our strategic choices in recent years have anticipated the approach of national and EU institutions towards decarbonisation and the containment of greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, gas infrastructures, thanks to their extension and capillarity, have and will play a key role in decarbonisation (note: link to the Italgas page for the transition in the About Us section):
- in the short term, they can replace more polluting energy sources (coal and oil in particular), while ensuring the security of the system, given that renewable sources, such as wind and solar, are not programmable;
- In the long term, it will be possible to progressively replace fossil gas with renewable gases, in particular biomethane and green hydrogen.
Biomethane and hydrogen for the future
Biomethane is the clearest example of a renewable energy source, because it is already available and able to guarantee energy security, decarbonization of consumption and cost competitiveness at the same time.
In the long term, hydrogen will be critical due to its programmability, storage potential and compatibility with existing infrastructure.
The prerequisite for achieving the energy transition is the digital transformation of the networks which allows the creation of a smart, digital and flexible network capable of accommodating renewable gases: we have been working on the digitization of assets, processes and people for some time now, and, thanks to our cutting-edge technology, We position ourselves as a benchmark in our industry.
Innovation for the water network
We have begun to borrow the technology developed for gas networks from the water networks, in the belief that the digital upgrade will allow an immediate and important reduction in water losses, of the order of 15-20 percentage points. Not surprisingly, the water sector is one of the most strategic sectors included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Also in this area, we are able to bring added value to make the sector make an important leap in quality, thanks to our cutting-edge technology, our execution capacity and our vision of development at the service of the country.
We are convinced that digital transformation can improve the quality of service and create new efficiency, helping to realise our idea of a “living” network, which distributes gas or water, favouring the ecological transition.
Innovation for energy saving
Energy efficiency is a key sector for promoting the ecological transition. We are present in this sector through our ESCo Geoside, which specializes in energy consulting.
An integrated strategy
The integration between the business plan and the sustainability strategies contributes to the realization of our purpose: "Pioneers by passion and builders by vocation, we offer all our energy to accelerate the ecological transition. We do it for ourselves. We all make them. Thinking sustainable means acting now to build the future, generating positive impacts on the planet, people and the economic system. These three areas represent the pillars of our Sustainable Value Creation Plan 2023-2029 "Builders of the future". Each of these pillars corresponds to precise lines of action, with clear commitments and measurable targets, which will have a medium-long term impact.
Our commitment to generating positive impacts
The Sustainable Value Creation Plan 2023-2029 presents our sustainability ambition, detailing actions and targets for the future of the planet, for the future of people and for a sustainable future together.
Italgas for the future of the planet
A Network Tech Company, a leader in the gas, water, energy efficiency and IT sectors, we are committed to the continuous improvement and digitization of our infrastructure, which allows us to become an enabler of the energy transition.
Our lines of action
Italgas for people’s future
We consider people to be our most valuable asset. This is why we are actively committed to improving the quality of life of our customers, through the provision of a safe and reliable service, and of our employees, through strict policies for health, safety and well-being, protecting human rights, valuing and supporting diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities.
We improve the quality of life and ensure the safety of employees, citizens and the national energy system
We develop the skills of the future
We value diversity and support equal opportunities and inclusion
Italgas for a sustainable future together
We adopt a “Partnership for the goal” approach (as called for in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal no. 17), promoting the continuous search for innovative solutions for the energy transition and, in general, a culture of innovation within and outside the Group.
Our lines of action
Our impacts
We work so that our activities, guided by the Strategic Plan and the Sustainable Value Creation Plan, not only create economic value, but also allow us to generate short and medium-long term virtuous impacts on tangible and intangible capital used in production processes.
Results from our actions
- Promoting innovation and digitisation
- Reduction of energy consumption of the Group and third parties
- Capillarity and digitalization of the distribution network
- Reduction of network losses
- Distribution of renewable gases and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Waste reduction
- Knowledge development inside and outside the company
- Improved outcomes through inclusion of diversity of gender, age, skills and educational background
- Employee Satisfaction & Engagement
- Respect for human rights
- Reduction of accidents at work
- Dissemination of good sustainability practices along the supply chain
- Support for communities and the territory
- Financial robustness
Medium-long period impacts
- Increasing supply chain resilience by disseminating sustainability best practices
- Mitigation of environmental impacts, protection of ecosystems, support for the circularity objectives of the European Union
- Economic development of the country
- Energy security of the country
- Decarbonization of the country in line with the objectives of the European Union
- Development of a culture oriented towards the promotion of equal opportunities and the empowerment of women
- Energy and digital literacy of citizens at the service of the energy transition
- Generation of shared value for local stakeholders
- Development of a healthy and inclusive corporate culture, based on respect for human rights and aimed at ensuring the well-being of workers
- Digitalization, innovation, efficiency, safety and sustainability of gas distribution infrastructures
- Access to energy safely and efficiently for all
- Promoting innovation at the service of the energy transition
Our commitment to a fair transition
We are committed to strengthening the key competencies of our people and promoting the dissemination of competencies outside our organization.