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Overall view

Our approach to ESG issues is targeted and collaborative. Our process starts with active stakeholder involvement to understand their needs. We use materiality analysis to identify the most relevant issues and develop targeted business policies. We constantly monitor performance to ensure that our efforts lead to significant improvements.

Thinking sustainably means acting in a timely manner to build a path fit for the future. That’s why we at Italgas are committed to defining actions and measurable targets to mitigate our impacts and make responsible growth an enabling factor of corporate governance.

With an integrated approach that is fully expressed in our Sustainable Value Creation Plan 2024-2030, we aim to define a medium- and long-term perspective that can maximise the impact of our sustainability goals by accelerating the energy transition, supporting the digital transformation, reducing emissions and creating new development opportunities.

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Dialogue and Priority

Establishing and maintaining dialogue and transparency-driven relationships with stakeholders is a crucial element of our strategic vision. Listening to their needs is at the heart of our materiality analysis, which every year allows us to identify and define priority themes underlying the Group’s strategic path.

  • Stakeholder engagement

    We actively involve our partners, listening to their needs and opinions in order to strengthen relationships and mutual trust.

  • Materiality analysis

    We identify the most relevant environmental and social priorities, with the aim of drawing an effective strategic path.

    Objectives, actions and results

    We have strategic objectives designed specifically for our stakeholders: to each category we dedicate actions, projects and initiatives tailored to generate shared growth opportunities and contribute to the prosperity of the territories in which we operate.

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    Policies and certifications

    Sustainability is the fundamental principle that contributes to the definition of strategic and operational decisions of the Group. With an integrated management system and transparent policies, we aim for a responsible and long-term growth, respecting the values that distinguish us

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    Respect for human rights

    The recognition of dignity, equality, individual freedoms, health and safety at work guide our daily actions. This is why we adopt policies and procedures to ensure respect for human rights and a more inclusive corporate culture.

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    Our Sustainability Ambassador

    From personal awareness to collective awareness: with the Sustainability Ambassadors project, we bring value, ideas and innovative skills to the territories and communities of reference, giving voice to the Group’s commitment for increasingly concrete sustainability, Proactive and aligned with the needs of stakeholders.

    ESG indices and ratings

    We integrate ESG governance into our strategic management. Our commitment and actions have been officially recognised by the financial community, which over time has positively assessed our performance in environmental, social and governance.

    Reports and presentations

    Integrity and accountability are the principles underlying our work, which we report transparently in the Integrated Annual Report, written in full compliance with the GRI Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative and the International Integrated Reporting Framework. A commitment we pursue with the aim of improving ESG performance and generating long-term value.

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