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  • Let's build our future together

    Here is our 2023-2029 Sustainable Value Creation plan

    Discover Italgas

    Italgas. Energy to evolve.

    We facilitate the lives of people and businesses by managing gas and water networks and offering innovative services.

    Discover Italgas

    A Network Tech Company at the service of communities, in an ever-changing business

      We are builders of the future

      We promote the energy transition by creating the networks of the future and promoting innovative and sustainable solutions.

      We collaborate with national and international organizations and create value for the community.

      Our strategy creates value for the territory and shareholders

      Economic growth, asset development, attention to sustainability: every year our numbers grow together with us.

      Discover our figures
      • +10,6%

      • +13,3%

      • -12,4%

      Our story

      Our journey through time.

      • 1837-La-nascita-a-Torino-desktop
        Birth in Turin

        Compagnia di Illuminazione a Gas is founded for the city of Turin, the first Italian company specialized in the production and distribution of "illuminating gas" as well as the precursor of Italgas.

      • 1851-1863-Nasce-la-Società- Italiana-per-il-Gas- desktop
        The Italian Gas Company is born

        In 1851 the company was listed on the Turin Stock Exchange and in 1862, after a merger and reorganisation, it took the name of Società Italiana per il Gas, expanding nationwide.

      • 1900-La-quotazione-alla- Borsa-di-Milano-desktop
        Listing on the Milan Stock Exchange

        With the spread of electric lighting, the use of gas decreases and in the same years, the gas industry begins to focus on heating, cooking and refrigeration.

      • 1950-La-rivoluzione-del- metano-desktop
        The Methane Revolution

        After the Second World War, the first experiments to use natural gas began. Italgas builds the first urban network in Lodi. They are followed by major cities such as Rome, Florence and Venice.

      • 1967-L-ingresso-nel-Gruppo- ENI-desktop
        Entry into the ENI Group

        Italgas joins the Eni Group and becomes the protagonist of the methanisation of the country.

      • 2018-Innovazione-e- digitalizzazione-desktop
        Innovation and digitization

        In the wake of a new strategic vision, the Italgas Digital Factory was born, the engine of the Group's digital transformation.

      • 007_desktop-2
        Heritage Lab

        Digital transformation involves the entire Group: the Italgas Historical Archive and Museum become Heritage Labs. New ways of describing and digitizing documents make an immense pool of big data from the past available to scholars.

      • 2022-Il-Gruppo-si-rafforza-all’estero-desktop
        The Group abroad

        Italgas acquires the public gas distribution group from the Greek Government. The process of integration with the Hellenic group that changes its name to Enaon begins. Italgas acquires the public gas distribution group from the Greek Government. The process of integration with the Hellenic group that changes its name to Enaon begins.

      • 2023-L’impegno-nel-settore-idrico-desktop
        Commitment to the water sector

        Coinciding with the acquisition by the French group Veolia of shareholdings in Acqualatina, Acqua Campania and Siciliacque, Nepta is born, the Italgas company in which the Group's water activities are concentrated and serves, directly or indirectly, a basin of 6.2 million inhabitants.Coinciding with the acquisition by the French group Veolia of shareholdings in Acqualatina, Acqua Campania and Siciliacque, Nepta is born, the Italgas company in which the Group's water activities are concentrated and serves, directly or indirectly, a basin of 6.2 million inhabitants.

      • 2024-Italgas-diventa-una- Network-Tech-Company-desktop
        Italgas becomes a Network Tech Company

        With the digital transformation process almost complete, Italgas evolves into a Network Tech Company. The experimentation of the smart meter of the future begins, Nimbus, which enables networks to accommodate gas mixtures, including hydrogen. The Group consolidates its leadership in the gas, water, energy efficiency and IT sectors with an international scope.



      By thinking sustainable, we can build the future by generating positive impacts on the planet, people, and the economic system.

      • Sustainability

        We work to build the future by generating positive impacts on the planet, people and the economic system.

      • Sustainable Value Creation Plan 2023-2029

        An innovative model that analyses the challenges posed by the evolution of the context and identifies the answers to face them.

      • Objectives, actions and outputs

        We support the ecological transition by creating the networks of the future. We coltivate positive relationships with all stakeholders.

        Press releases and news

        • Press release

          Price Sensitive

          24 Sep 2024


          Italgas: high demand for the reopening of the bond maturing in February 2029 (“TAP issue”) for an amount of 350 million euros

          Milan, September 24, 2024 – Italgas S.p.A. (rated BBB+ by Fitch, Baa2 by Moody’s) successfully completed today the reopening of bond issuance...

        • News

          23 Sep 2024


          Transparency and Trust: Italgas Achieves ISO 37002 Certification for its Whistleblowing System

          Transparency and whistleblowing are crucial elements in building healthy organizations based on trust and responsible governance. In an increasingly complex corporate world,...

        • Press release

          9 Jul 2024


          Italgas stock confirmed in the FTSE4Good Index Series for the eighth year in a row

          Milan, 9 July 2024 – Italgas stock has been confirmed for the eighth consecutive year as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index...


          24 Jul 2024


          TEMA: Finance

          Board of Directors approval, Press release and Conference call

          24 Oct 2024


          TEMA: Finance

          Board of Directors approval, Press release and Conference call

          Aggiungi al calendario

          Main projects


          • Sardinia Methanisation

          • DANA


            Working at Italgas

            We invest in people, support equal opportunities and value diversity to grow with our talents.

            • Hours of training


            • Employees number


            • Women in positions of responsibility


            • Anthony_YC
            • 5
            • 4
            • Dee_YC
            • 3
            • 2 (1)