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Policies and certifications

We integrate sustainability and business management through a solid and transparent governance, which allows us to grow over time respecting the environment, valuing people and interacting positively with territories and communities.

Our policies for a sustainable future

In its vision of a sustainable approach to business, the Italgas Group is committed daily to contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and those defined by the European Union.
The strategic directions of the Group, as outlined in the Sustainable Value Creation Plan 2023-2029 in objectives and actions in the short and medium termlong-term, are developed in coherence with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and are formalized in a series of policies that, based on the principles expressed in the Code of Ethics, outline commitment and lines of action.

Our certifications

Thanks to our integrated management system, we ensure that the Group’s activities are carried out in accordance with the best international standards. In this context, certification is an essential element.

The favourable assessments expressed by the certification bodies recognise, in fact, the value of a unique and synergistic system, which includes the health and safety of people, the prevention of accidents, the protection of the environment, Public safety and rational use of energy, as well as overall quality and prevention and combating of corruption.

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Relationship and dialogue with stakeholders

Engaging and maintaining a constructive dialogue with stakeholders is a key strategic lever to improve our ESG performance and further grow. That’s why we are committed to building transparent and trusting relationships every day.

Learn more about our commitment

  • Our role

    The Purpose, Vision and Mission we have defined represent our compass: they express the role we want to play, our vision of the future and the meaning of daily activities.

  • Objectives, actions and results

    With our Sustainable Value Creation Plan we define measurable objectives and actions to respond effectively to the challenges of the sector and seize new development opportunities.

  • Sustainable future together

    We believe in the value of partnerships to help the energy transition. That’s why we invest in international alliances and participate in working tables with partners and experts.

  • ESG indices and ratings

    We work every day to implement standards and best practices, with the aim of achieving increasingly important results in the main ESG ratings and indices