Dialogue and priorities
We actively involve our stakeholders in a diverse and flexible way to deepen their priorities, identify long-term value solutions and seize new opportunities for improvement, strengthening the network of relations on the territory.
We believe that building relationships based on dialogue and trust is essential for responsible business development, strengthening the Group’s credibility and mitigating negative impacts. We actively involve all our stakeholders to identify themes and priorities that meet their expectations and guide our actions and objectives. Every day we listen to needs, opinions and feedback, monitoring the satisfaction of each category for a constructive and mutual growth.
We are committed to growing a culture of sustainability by creating value that, starting from our people, reaches the whole territory.
Paolo Gallo
CEO of Italgas
Our stakeholders and dialogue activities
Driven by our focus on people and the environment, which is at the core of our operations, we identify the main stakeholder categories each year, establishing listening and interaction channels tailored to the characteristics and needs of the various stakeholders
A process that allows us not only to detect any critical issues in advance, but also to enhance the Group’s commitment through increasingly strategic and targeted initiatives, such as the project dedicated to our Sustainability Ambassador), real “antennas” able to catch ideas and suggestions, promoting actions and virtuous behavior in the territories where we operate.
From listening to stakeholders to material issues
As a result of listening to stakeholders, we analyse their suggestions. This analysis is called ‘materiality analysis’ and allows us to identify the priorities that guide our sustainability strategy
The materiality matrix
The methodology used by the Group consisted of four stages:
- Identification of impacts generated by Italgas and updating of material topics
- Evaluation of material topics from the point of view of the impacts generated by the Group and collection of stakeholder expectations
- Involvement of Top Management to explain the findings, collect further feedback and validate the analysis
- Evaluation of the impacts suffered by the Group from a Financial Materiality perspective through interviews with Top Management
The Integrated Annual Report drafts, that also include the consolidated non-financial statement pursuant to legislative decree 254/2016 of which the materiality assessment is a part of, are approved by the BoD and submitted to the Annual General Meeting for shareholders’ approval. The materiality assessment process has been verified by Italgas third-party assurance provider (Deloitte & Touche SpA), as it is a core part of the Italgas’ NFS.

Ethical and Strong Relationships
Business ethics permeate all our activities. The Group’s value system, which is expressed in the Code of Ethics and rigorous policies, inspires the management of the company in accordance with the principles of fairness and transparency, taking into account sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Our Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement Policy
Through our Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement Policy, we express our vision on environmental, social and governance issues relevant to corporate identity and the will to create lasting value for all stakeholders through continuous dialogue, Sharing objectives and strengthening transparent and collaborative relationships.
The strategic plan 2023-2029
Our approach integrates sustainability into business strategy to generate long-term value, completing digital transformation and driving energy transition.
Objectives, actions and results
We are the protagonists of the development of the country. Our goal is to contribute to a more sustainable future, which generates opportunities for growth through increasingly ambitious targets, actions and projects.
ESG indices and ratings
We invest every day in improving our ESG performance, committed to maintaining an open dialogue with the financial community, which has seen our results positively.