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Defend your phone from hackers: how to do it in 10 steps

The phone has become an essential element in our daily lives, containing sensitive information such as personal messages, bank details, photos, e-mails and more. Because of this, it is an attractive target for hackers, who may try to access your data or compromise your privacy. Defending your smartphone from cyber-attacks is not just a matter of security, but of protecting your digital identity. Let’s look at five basic steps to keep your phone safe.

How do you go about defending your smartphone?

Protecting your smartphone is essential to avoid data theft and cyber threats. There are several ways to do this, such as keeping your device up to date, using complex passwords, and downloading apps only from secure sources. Taking these measures reduces risk and provides greater security.


Keep the Home screen locked.

The first step in protecting your device is to prevent unauthorized access if it is lost or stolen. Use a PIN code, password, or biometric system such as fingerprint or facial recognition. This first layer of protection can make the difference between securing your data and exposing it.

Turn Bluetooth off when you are not using it.

Bluetooth can be a gateway for hackers. Disable it when you don’t need it, thus reducing the chances of attacks by those trying to replicate networks already used by your device. Use it only with devices you trust.

Update the operating system regularly.

Operating system updates not only improve device performance but also contain important security patches. Ignoring them leaves you vulnerable to the latest threats. Turn on automatic updates to be always protected.

Connect only to secure Wi-Fi networks.

Avoid connecting to unsecured public Wi-Fi networks, especially for sensitive transactions such as accessing bank accounts or sending personal information. If you are forced to use public Wi-Fi, verify that it is password protected or, even better, use a VPN.

Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

A VPN encrypts your data and protects it during transmission over unsecured networks. It is an especially useful tool when you are traveling or using public Wi-Fi networks. Although free VPNs exist, it is advisable to opt for a reliable, paid service to provide better protection.

Download only apps from trusted sources.

Apps can be a vulnerability if downloaded from unverified sources. Official stores such as Google Play or Apple’s App Store offer more guarantees in terms of security. Always check reviews and permissions required by apps before downloading them.

Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Add an extra layer of security to your accounts by enabling multi-factor authentication. This way, even if your password is compromised, an attacker will not be able to gain access without the second level of verification, such as a code sent to your phone.

Encrypt your data.

Encryption is an essential method of protecting your most sensitive information. Many mobile devices allow you to encrypt your stored data, making it unreadable to anyone without the necessary credentials.

Limit location tracking.

Many apps require access to your location to work properly, but not all of them really need it. Limit the apps that can access your location and disable this feature when it is not needed. This way you reduce the risk of your movements being tracked or used to your detriment.

Install antivirus software.

Finally, protect your device by installing good antivirus software. These programs can detect and neutralize threats such as malware and phishing attempts, providing an extra layer of security against cyber-attacks.