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Italgas: the Board of Directors co-opts Mr Qinjing Shen

Milan, 27 January 2022 – The Board of Directors of Italgas S.p.A., which met today, resolved, as proposed by the Appointments and Compensation Committee and with a resolution approved by the Board of Statutory Auditors, to co-opt, pursuant to Article 2386, subsection 1, of the Italian Civil Code, and Article 13.7 of the Company Bylaws of Italgas, Mr Qinjing Shen as a non-executive and non-independent director of the Company.

The appointment was made after Mr Yunpeng He, a non-executive and non-independent director and member of the Company's Sustainability Committee, handed in his resignation on 11 January 2022. For further information on his resignation see the press release published on the same date on the Company’s website in the section

Having acknowledged the statements made and the documentation presented by the new Director, during the same meeting the Board of Directors ascertained that Mr Qinjing Shen meets the requirements prescribed by the applicable law and by the Company Bylaws to accept the office and verified compliance with the limit on accumulation of offices based on the guidelines the Company has adopted.

Lastly, the Board of Directors appointed the newly appointed Director as a member of the Sustainability Committee to replace the outgoing Mr Yunpeng He.

The co-opted Director will remain in office until the next Shareholders’ Meeting in accordance with the law and Italgas’ Company Bylaws. The full text of the curriculum vitae of Mr Qinjing Shen is available at the registered offices and on the website of the Company in the section Board of Directors.

The Company specifies that, to the best of its knowledge, as of today Mr Qinjing Shen does not hold shares in Italgas S.p.A.  

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