Italgas – Supplement to the call notice of the ordinary Shareholders’ meeting
Milan, April 16, 2020 - In accordance with Consob Communication no. 3 of April 10, 2020, in addition to the notice of call of the ordinary shareholders' meeting of Italgas S.p.A. previously published on April 10, 2020, it should be noted that any individual proposals for resolutions on the items on the agenda pursuant to art. 126-bis, subsection 1, last sentence of the CLF, which must be submitted to the Company at least fifteen days before the Shareholders' Meeting, i.e. by 27 April 2020, by certified e-mail to the address, will be published by the Company on its website ("Governance" - "Corporate Governance System" - "Shareholders' Meeting 2020” section) in order to allow shareholders to vote by proxy through the Designated Representative on each resolution proposal published.”