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Italgas: consolidated results for the first nine months and Third Quarter of 2021 approved

Milan, 27 October 2021 - Italgas’ Board of Directors, chaired by Alberto Dell’Acqua, met yesterday and approved the consolidated results of the first nine months and third quarter of 2021.

Key figures

Consolidated economic and financial highlights:

  • Total revenues: € 1,005.7 million (+2.8%)
  • Gross operating margin (EBITDA): € 749.0 million (+4.9%)
  • Operating profit (EBIT): € 430.6 million (+7.3%)
  • Adjusted net profit attributable to the Group: € 273.6 million (+10.5%)
  • Technical investments: € 612.6 million (+10.3%)
  • Cash flow from operating activities: € 533.7 million (+21,0%)
  • Net financial debt: € 5,055.4 million
  • Net financial debt (excluding the effects pursuant to IFRS 16): € 4,987.1 million
ESG – key indicators, Scope 1 and Scope 2

  • 56,239 km of network inspected (+14.3%)
  • Fugitive emissions/gas injected into the network: 0.092% (-4.1%)
  • Fugitive emissions/km investigated: 105 Sm3/km (-6.7%)
  • km travelled by operative vehicles: 32.091 million km (+15.3%)
  • km travelled by bifuel operative vehicles powered by CNG: 92%
  • Grams of pollutants per km travelled by the car fleet: NOx (-5.6%), particulate matter (-22.6%)
Operating highlights (including affiliates):

  • Municipalities in gas distribution concessions: 1,898
  • Number of active meters: 7.75 million
  • Gas distribution network: around 74,110 Km
In a context of general economic recovery, favoured by the gradual loosening of restrictions related to the health emergency, Italgas’ trend continues to grow, with extremely positive performance of all the main economic and financial indicators, combined with further progress on the road to meeting the 2027 ESG targets.

The sustainability targets enable the Group to contribute with its strategic investment choices to the energy transition process, in line with EU guidelines, and to the full implementation of the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

The € 612.6 million of investments made in the period (+10.3% compared to 30 September 2020) bears witness to this. These investments are devoted to the digital transformation and repurposing of the networks to enable them to distribute renewable gases (biomethane and, in the medium term, green hydrogen and synthetic methane).

Approximately 545 km of new pipelines were laid in the first nine months of 2021, 62 km of which in Sardinia, where the construction of new, entirely digital networks continued, having completed approximately 900 km overall out of a total of 1,100 km to be constructed.

The EBITDA of the first nine months of 2021 amounted to € 749.0 million (+4.9% compared to 30 September 2020) and adjusted net profit attributable to the Group was € 273.6 million (+10.5% compared to the same period of the previous year).

The net financial position as of 30 September 2021 was € 5,055.4 million (€ 4,736.5 million as of 31 December 2020). The net financial position amounted to € 4,987.1 million (€ 4,660.2 million as of 31 December 2020), net of financial liabilities pursuant to IFRS 16 of € 68.3 million (€ 76.3 million as of 31 December 2020).

On 9 September 2021, Italgas was declared the ‘preferred bidder’ by the Greek privatisation fund (HRADF), in the context of the public tender called by the Greek government for privatisation of the distribution operator DEPA Infrastructure S.A..

The cash flow from operating activities in the first nine months of 2020 amounted to € 533.7 million.

  Paolo Gallo, CEO of Italgas, commented:

“The nineteenth quarter of consecutive growth for Italgas since its return to the stock market is the best demonstration of a Company that has continued on its development and transformation path - started in 2017 - even during the most serious health emergency that the world has known in recent times.

At 30 September 2021, we have achieved an EBITDA of € 749 million, up 5% compared to the same period of 2020, and an adjusted net profit that has grown double-digit, by 10.5%, to € 273.6 million, despite the continuing negative effects of the Resolution 570.

Despite a macroeconomic and financial context characterised by ongoing volatility, we have invested more than € 610 million, in order to maintain the 2022 objective: to make Italgas the first utility in the world with a fully digitised network.

We have completed over 80% of the methanisation plan of the basins under concession in Sardinia. Furthermore, with the commissioning of Higas in Oristano, the natural gas supply chain has become even more efficient and above all affordable for consumers, enabling them to make savings on their bills (25% on average) that now offset the increase in commodity prices.

Since September our horizon goes beyond Italy: we have been indicated as “preferred bidder” in the tender for privatisation of Depa Infrastructure in Greece. We will make our know-how available to that Country and we will support the decarbonisation process through digital native networks that will be ready in the not-too-distant future to accommodate renewable gases such as biomethane, green hydrogen and synthetic methane.  
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