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The Sustainability Plan as the “environment” in which the Business Plan perfectly fits

As the execution of the 45 initiatives included in the 2018–2021 Sustainability Plan proceeds, Italgas is preparing new actions addressing future priorities with tangible solutions.

In the 2019-2025 Strategic Plan, sustainability proves to be a key element of the business model. Recently, the development of the 45 initiatives included in the Sustainability Plan has made significant progress: on average, the completion level reached 60%.

Progress on the 5 strategic guidelines defined in the Plan and contribution to specific UN sustainable development goals
A busy agenda for 2019

While focused on executing its 2018-2021 Sustainability Plan, Italgas is working on the next release of the 2019-2022 Sustainability Plan, which will include 15 new actions that will integrate those already under way.

During this year, a first set of stakeholder engagement initiatives will also start.

The goals of the 2020-2021 period

Italgas will focus on a continuous materiality assessment, while updating and executing the Sustainability Plan. The existing formal commitment to UN’s Global Compact will follow a more structured approach. With its engagement on all those fronts, Italgas expects to succeed in improving its ratings and positioning in sustainability indices. For sure, this will draw more attention from investors that base their portfolio decisions on Social Responsibility criteria. Italgas will develop a strong engagement towards this segment, leveraging on a set of tangible achievements deriving from the policies put in place.

Among the initiatives included in the plan, those with the higher impact in terms of sustainability are the following:

  1. The full methane renewal of the corporate car fleet.
  2. The renovation and upgrade of the Company’s real estate.
  3. The replacement of grey cast iron pipes with hemp & lead joints and mechanical joints.
  4. The methanization of Sardinia – with this last project alone that will contribute to the reduction of 60,000 tCo2 emissions.