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December 2021

External recognition of italgas’ role in sustainability

The ever-increasing attention paid by Italgas to sustainability, the ability to set itself ambitious goals, a strong governance and the constant commitment in respecting our people and stakeholders are reflected in the improved position in sustainability indices and ratings over the last few months. Noteworthy, among them, our first-time inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe, in November 2021.

The financial community is increasingly sensitive to environmental, social and ethical issues.

Socially responsible investors make their investment choices based not only on financial data, but also on non-financial assessments in the area of sustainability or Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance.

To support their investment choices, these investors rely on the studies of specialized rating agencies, which make in-depth analysis of the solidity of company profiles and specifically of their sustainability, issuing an overall judgement, defined as ESG rating, and providing helpful tools in the definition of sustainable investment strategies. Based on the results of such analysis, the agencies themselves or third-party entities construct sustainability indices that include the companies with the highest ratings resulting from the analytic process.

This is a complex process, which rewards not only those who are able to meet the required criteria, but also those who know how to constantly challenge themselves. It is a continuously evolving process, and a good result achieved one year is no guarantee that the same result will be achieved the following year.

Italgas’ strategy is strongly integrated with sustainability issues. In June, the group presented its 2021-2027 Strategic Plan, taking a substantial step forward in terms of its commitment to the environment. Specific initiatives have been identified to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% and net energy consumption by 25% in the 2020-27 period, on a like-for-like basis. At the same time, in the area of human resources management, the Group has committed to doubling individual training hours by 2027 and have 60% of new resources hired under the age of 30.

Moreover, Diversity & Inclusion issues are receiving increasing attention, through targeted initiatives and internal dissemination actions that count on the contribution of more than 150 ambassadors. And at the end of the Plan, at least one in four managers will be a woman.

Main results in 2021

Sustainability yearbook inclusion
In February 2021, based on the results of 2020 CSA assessment, Italgas has been included in The Sustainability Yearbook 2021 and received the Bronze Class for its excellent sustainability performance. In addition to the above recognition, Italgas S.p.A. was also awarded the Industry Mover status, as the Company recorded the strongest year-over-year score improvement in its sector in 2020.

Improvement of Vigeo Eris rating
In September 2021, Vigeo Eris announced the new ESG score for Italgas, which improved from 50 out of 100 points in 2020 to 58 points out of 100. According to the rating agency, Italgas ranks 256th out of 4,930 companies in their universe, scoring above the industry average in the three macro-categories, Environment, Social and Governance.

Inclusion in te MIB ESG Index
On 18th October, Italgas share was included in the MIB ESG Index, the first blue- chip index for Italy dedicated to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) best practices by Borsa Italiana, part of the Euronext group. The MIB ESG Index, made operational by Euronext in collaboration with Vigeo Eiris (V.E., part of Moody’s ESG Solutions), includes the most important Italian listed issuers that show the most effective behaviors within the three main parameters of corporate social responsibility.

Inclusion in the DJSI Europe and confirmation in the DJSI World
On 12th November, Italgas was included for the first time in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe and confirmed for the third consecutive year in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World, proving that it is at the top of the world sustainability league. The two indices, managed by S&P Global, include companies that have distinguished themselves in Europe and worldwide on sustainability issues.

This year, the number of companies evaluated increased by 33% to 1,843 out of more than 5,300 companies invited thanks to their membership in any S&P ESG index. As of 12 November 2021, companies participating in the CSA assessment represent 45% of the global market capitalization of the S&P Global BMI (Broad Market Index), up from 32% in 2020.

Italgas achieved the highest score (90 points out of 100) in the GAS – Gas Utilities Industry sector out of 28 companies evaluated in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (score date: 12 November 2021), an improvement of 8 points compared to last year.

A rating medal for public disclosure by GIO GRESB
In November 2021, Italgas was one of 19 companies to receive an A rating from GLIO GRESB for the quality of its ESG communication. This recognition was reflected in the Company’s weight in the rebalance of the GRESB indexes.

A-rating for the fight against climate change by CDP  (carbon diclosure project)
On 7 December, for the fifth consecutive year Italgas was awarded recognition by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for its commitment to combating climate change.

The Group was included in the “Leadership band” due to the improvement of its score to “A-” from “B” last year, in the “Climate change 2021” questionnaire. This score places Italgas above the European average and above the Energy Utilities Networks sector, both of which have a score of ‘B’.

CDP is a non-profit organization that annually evaluates performance on climate change and environmental reporting. This year more than 13,000 companies worldwide responded to its questionnaires.