Ethical Code
The Code of Ethics sets out the values that we recognise, accept and share, and the responsibilities that we assume both within our organisation and in dealings with external interlocutors.
The Code of Ethics, approved with a Resolution of the Board of Directors of Italgas S.p.A. on 18 October 2016 and periodically updated, represents the system of values underlying the group’s ethical culture, which inspires both the strategic line of thought and the conduct of corporate activities.
The Code of Ethics defines the principles that Italgas’ people must comply with in their relations with suppliers, customers, employees, communities and in general all stakeholders. These relationships must be carried out in compliance with the law and the legitimate interests of all subjects with whom we come into contact on a daily basis, in a context of ethics, integrity, transparency, correctness, professionalism, good faith, honesty and fair competition.
The Code also contains some general principles of sustainability and corporate responsibility, in addition to referring to the principles that must be complied with in matters concerning the workplace, relations with stakeholders and suppliers and personal data protection.
The Code of Ethics applies with regard to “Italgas people” or directors, statutory auditors, management and employees of the group, as well as all of those who work to achieve the objectives of Italgas.
To ensure solid implementation of the ethics principles, we are constantly working on compliance.
Reference documents
Supervisory Body (SB) “Guarantor” of the Code of Ethics
As regards the Code of Ethics, the Supervisory Body is tasked.
The Supervisory Body of Italgas also submits to the Control and Risk Committee and the Board of Statutory Auditors, as well as the chairman and chief executive officer, who report to the Board of Directors, a half-yearly report on the implementation of the Code of Ethics and whether it needs to be updated.
Supervisory Body
Supervisory Body and 231 Model
Internal Control and Risk Management