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Our activities

We are the leading gas distribution company in Italy and the third largest in Europe, and we are growing in energy efficiency and the water sector by leveraging our expertise and innovative solutions.

A Network Tech Company

With a history of over 185 years, we are unanimously recognized as the company that has brought gas into the homes of Italians. Today we are the leading gas distribution operator in Italy and Greece, where we have been present since 2022, and we occupy the third position in Europe.

Our Group is evolving towards the form of the Network Tech Company: a company that manages networks (in particular gas and water) and guarantees increasingly efficient and sustainable services, focusing on technological innovation and digitization, which are essential for the decarbonization of the energy system.

We are now present in four business lines: in addition to our historical core business of gas distribution, we have diversified our activities into energy efficiency, the water sector and information technology.

Our historical core business: gas distribution

We carry out our gas distribution activity (also known as transmission) on behalf of the sales companies authorised to market it to end customers. In addition to delivery services, carried out through local gas pipeline networks starting from city-gates (reduction and metering cabins interconnected with transportation networks), we also carry out metering activities, which include the collection, processing, validation and provision of consumption data.

The digital transformation of our assets, business processes and the skills of our people will lead us to become the first gas utility in the world with a fully digitized network, an essential prerequisite to promote the development of renewable gases, such as biomethane, hydrogen and synthetic methane.

Biomethane is currently the most viable carbon-neutral option. Its technology is mature, and with the integration of CO2 capture systems, it can even have a negative net carbon impact. At the beginning of 2023, we connected the first biomethane plant to our network. In the long term, hydrogen will be able to unlock the full potential of renewable energy sources, thanks to its programmability, storage potential and compatibility with existing infrastructure.

The operational activities of the gas distribution business in Italy are managed by:

In Greece, after the acquisition of Depa Infrastructure (now Enaon), the implementation of our development plan continues at a rapid pace.

We do not import, extract or produce gas. We do not even deal with the transport phase,  that carried out through the ridges under high pressure. Our job is to take delivery of gas from high-pressure pipelines and bring it to families and businesses.

Our strength in gas distribution




    In Italy and Greece in 2023.



    bln ca

    In Italy and Greece in 2023.



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    In Italy and Greece in 2023.



    With a historical presence in Turin, Venice, Florence and Rome



    With a historical presence in Athene and Salonicco

We are a player in energy efficiency

We are aware of the crucial role that energy efficiency plays in pursuing climate goals, which is why in 2018 we entered the market for advanced and innovative solutions to optimize the use of energy.

Thanks to the experience gained in the field and proprietary technologies, Geoside, our ESCo (Energy Service Company), is able to offer innovative services, both internally, to support our energy transition, and to the market.

Geoside offers personalised energy consultancy and the provision of energy services for the residential market, industrial and tertiary companies and Public Administrations, accompanying customers on the path to reducing their energy and environmental impact through the power of artificial intelligence and big data analysis.

We grow in the water sector

In 2023 we became a reference player also in the water sector, with the acquisition by the Veolia Environnement S.A. Group of the business unit with the concessions held in Italy in the water sector.

  • With Nepta – which also groups our activities in the water sector – we have direct management in concession of the water service in Caserta and in 4 municipalities in its province.
  • through Acqualatina, we manage the integrated water service in 38 Municipalities in the ATO 4-Southern Lake.
  • We also deal with the collection, storage, purification and adduction service in Sicily through Siciliacque, an overflow operator.
  • Finally, also with Acqua Campania we carry out the typical activities of the overflow operator, such as collection, purification, adduction and transport of drinking water, under concession from the region

The objective is to further grow and improve the efficiency of the infrastructures managed by borrowing the skills developed in the digital transformation of gas distribution networks: this will allow us to reduce losses and improve the quality levels of the service provided to communities.

Our numbers


    6.2 million

    Directly or indirectly

We offer cutting-edge digital solutions

The digital transformation path we have undertaken concerns not only our assets but also our processes. The engine of all this is the Digital Factory of Bludigit, the Group’s IT Company.

It is a physical and virtual place where solutions are designed and implemented that help to further improve our operational efficiency and that of operators.

Our services and solutions